District of Electric Networks (DEN) of Almaty City
District of Electric Networks (DEN) of Almaty City
Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 17:00.
From 12:00 to 13:00 – lunch break.
Weekends: Saturday, Sunday and holidays.
DEN 1:
DEN 2:
DEN 3:
DEN 4:
DEN 5:
DEN 6:
DEN 7:
DEN-1 (https://www.azhk.kz/ru/company/almaty/res-1)
Head of DEN-1: Almat Muratovich Abdygazimov
Address: 132a Ryskulova Street
Phone number: 268-60-71, 268-60-74
The District of Electric Networks (hereinafter referred to as "DEN") was founded in 1978. DEN-
1 is a production structural unit of the Distribution Networks Management of the "Alatau Zharyk
Company" JSC ("AZhC" JSC). The service area of DEN-1 includes the south - from Gogol
Street, the north - to Sayaly microdistrict, the east - from Aisha Bibi microdistrict, the west - to
Tlendiyev Street. It covers parts of Almaty city districts such as Almaly, Alatau, Zhetysu, and
Turksib. The area of DEN-1 is 49 km². The number of serviced residential subscribers is 57,807,
and under contract - 2,966.
DEN-2 (https://www.azhk.kz/ru/company/almaty/res-2)
Head of DEN-2: Kanat Qonysbayuly Zheksembekov
Address: 24a Manas Street
Phone number: 375-25-44, 375-02-25
The District of Electric Networks №2 (hereinafter referred to as "DEN") was founded in 1962.
DEN-2 is a production structural unit of the Distribution Networks Management of "Alatau
Zharyk Company" JSC ("AZhC" JSC). The service area includes the south - from Gogol Street,
the north - to Zhandosov Street, the east - from Small Almatinkа Street, west of Furmanov
Street, from Rozybakiev Street to the south of Raiymbek Avenue. DEN-2 covers the city center,
predominantly Almaly district and part of the Bostandyk district of Almaty city. The area of
DEN-2 is 18 km². The number of serviced residential subscribers is 83,528, and under contract -
DEN-3 (https://www.azhk.kz/ru/company/almaty/res3)
Head of DEN-3: Malik Orunovich Baybolov
Address: 4a Zhandosov Street, Tausamal Microdistrict
Phone number: 385-45-27
On July 2, 2014, at an extraordinary XXIX session of the Maslikhat, a decision was made to
establish the new Nauryzbaysky District, which led to the decision to create a new DEN.
According to Order №47 dated March 11, 2015, a new network district №3 was established
based on the detachment of section № 3, and starting from June 1, 2015, the District of Electric
Networks (hereinafter referred to as "DEN") №3 began operating independently. DEN-3 is a
structural unit of the Distribution Networks Management of "Alatau Zharyk Company" JSC
("AZhC" JSC). The service area of DEN-3 includes the south - from Askarov Street, the north -
to Akyn Sara Street, the east - from the Big Almatinka River, the west - to Yassaui Street. It
covers the Nauryzbay district and part of the Alatau district.
DEN-4 (https://www.azhk.kz/ru/company/almaty/res4)
Head of DEN-4: Sultan Khan Dairbekovich Rakhmanov
Address: 2a Moldakaliev (Stankevich) Street
Phone number: 242-65-63
The District of Electric Networks (hereinafter referred to as "DEN") - 4 was founded in 1953.
DEN-4 is a structural unit of the Distribution Networks Management of "Alatau Zharyk
Company" JSC ("AZhC" JSC). The service area of DEN-4 includes the south - from Ryskulov
Avenue, the north - to RV-90, the east - from Shemyakin Street, the west - to the Tomiris
microdistrict (Trudovik). It territorially covers four administrative districts of Almaty city and
Almaty region: Turksib, Zhetysu Alatau, and Iliy. The number of serviced residential subscribers
is 80,038, and under contract - 2,950.
DEN-5 (https://www.azhk.kz/ru/company/almaty/res-5)
Head of DEN-5: Karim Kayratovich Cherubaev
Address: 32a Khodjanov Street (Vodozabornaya, 32a)
Phone number: 375-04-69, 375-28-00
The District of Electric Networks (hereinafter referred to as "DEN") - 5 was founded in 1982.
DEN-5 is a production structural unit of the Distribution Networks Management of the "Alatau
Zharyk Company" JSC ("AZhC" JSC). The service area of DEN-5 includes the south - Nurlytau
village, the Big Almaty Gorge, the north - to Zhandosov Street and Abay Avenue, the east - to
Furmanov Street, the west - to Saina Street. It covers the Bostandyk, Medeu, and Nauryzbay
districts of Almaty city. The number of serviced residential subscribers is 84,451, and under
contract - 2,800.
DEN-6 (https://www.azhk.kz/ru/company/almaty/res-6)
Head of DEN-6: Bakhyt Altynbekovich Moldabayev
Address: 59 Tulebayev Street
Phone number: 272-23-66, 272-24-32
The District of Electric Networks (hereinafter referred to as "DEN") - 6 was founded in
November 2009. The service area of DEN-6 includes almost the entire Medeu district of Almaty
city, except for the Gorny Gigant microdistrict. The distance from the highest point (from the
Medeo High-Mountain Skating Rink) to the lowest point at the intersection of Ryskulov Avenue
and Kuldzhins Trakt is 37 km. DEN-6 serves 55,756 consumers, of which 53,537 are residential
consumers and 2,219 are legal entities.
DEN-7 (https://www.azhk.kz/ru/company/almaty/res-7)
Head of DEN-7: Ulan Nuralyevich Sadykov
Address: Zhetysu-4, 4a
Phone number: 268-02-40, 268-02-48
According to Order №5 dated January 3, 1992, a new network district № 7 was formed, and
starting from August 1, 1992, the District of Electric Networks - 7 began operating
independently. DEN-7 is a structural unit of the Distribution Networks Management of "Alatau
Zharyk Company" JSC ("AZhC" JSC). The service area of DEN-7 includes the south - from
Askarov Street, the north - to Akyn Sara Street, the east - from the Big Almatinka River, the west
- to Enbek Street. It covers the Auezov district, part of the Alatau district, and part of the
Nauryzbay district. The number of serviced subscribers: residential - 123,227, under contract -