Book of Honour
The Book of Honour of the «Alatau Zharyk Company» Joint Stock Company (hereinafter
referred to as the «Book of Honour») is one of the forms of rewarding employees of "AZhC"
JSC who have achieved significant results in their work, made a substantial contribution to the
development of the electric power industry of Kazakhstan, and have been awarded high state
Honour and titles, as well as other awards and titles.
Employees who have worked in the Company for no less than 10 years and have had no
disciplinary actions in the last three years are eligible to be included in the Book of Honour.
Other individuals who have made a significant contribution to the development of Kazakhstan's
electric power industry and/or the Company may also be included in the Book of Honour. The
inclusion of information into the Book of Honour is done annually by December 22 and is timed
to coincide with the Day of the Power Engineer.
The selection of candidates to for the Book of Honour is considered by the Committee for
Encouragement and Recognition of Merits of "AZhC" JSC (hereafter referred to as the
Committee), the composition of which is approved by the Chairman of the Board of "AZhC"
Annually, no more than three employees of the Company can be listed into the Book of
The decision of the Committee to include employees in the Book of Honour is approved
by the order of the Chairman of the Board of "AZhC" JSC.
Oleg Yuryevich Yermolov
Altay Aymukhametovich Abdrakhmanov
Gabiden Yusupov
Gani Galiollauli Salimzhuarov
Anatoly Vasilievich Glushkov
Kambar Amirovich Sarsenov
Kayypbergen Muratbayevich Muratbayev
Beibit Makashevich Akkuliev
Madiyar Eralievich Kubegenov
Mukhit Abikeevich Umbetov
Gennady Grigorievich Zimaskov
Kaliy Duysenovich Sakharhanov
Leila Auganbaevna Bainazarova
Erlan Tleubaevich Toishubekov
Boris Borisovich Babentsov
Nagashybai Razakbaevich Kalykov
Bolatkhan Kaipzhanovich Turtbaev
Oleg Yuryevich Yermolov
Oleg Yuryevich Yermolov, born on August 27, 1954, in Almaty, has proven himself to
be one of the most skilled specialists in the repair and maintenance of cable lines during his
extensive career of over 46 years in the energy sector.
Since the establishment of the District of Electric Networks No. 7 in 1992, he has made
significant efforts to improve and further develop the district's electric networks, particularly in
the service and operation of overhead power lines ranging from 0.4 to 10 kV. He possesses a vast
amount of knowledge in his field and consistently maintains a positive work ethic. Oleg
Yuryevich is proactive, provides mentorship to young specialists, and shares invaluable
professional experience. He has nurtured a large number of active specialists at "AZhC" JSC,
enjoying deep respect among his colleagues. Always ready to quickly embrace innovative
solutions and take responsibility for them, he has demonstrated proficiency as a competent and
initiative specialist, a reliable, responsible, and conscientious worker with excellent analytical
and organizational skills, and quickly adapts to new environments.
He has been honoured with industry awards. In 2012, he received a "Certificate of
Honour" from the Head of the City's Distribution Networks of "AZhC" JSC for "diligent work
and high professionalism," and was bestowed with the title of "Veteran Power Engineer of
KEPA" in 2017.
He was included by the order of the Chairman of the Board of "Alatau Zharyk Company"
JSC №1806 l/s dated October 15, 2018.
Altay Aymukhametovich Abdrakhmanov
Altay Aymukhametovich Abdrakhmanov was born on August 5, 1956, in the village of
Ekpendy, Andreyevsky District, Almaty Region. He graduated in 1978 from the Almaty Energy
Institute with a degree in "Electrical Networks and Systems."
He began his career in 1978 as an electrician at the Zhambyl Distribution Network
Enterprise. From 1980 to 2001, he served in various positions including engineer of the Relay
Protection and Automation Service, duty engineer of the Operational Dispatch Service, deputy
head of the Operational Dispatch Service, and head of the Operational Dispatch Service. Then,
from 2001 to 2003, he worked as a manager for operational work at DNOP of "APС" JSC.
Starting from 2003 to 2012, he held senior positions and since October 2014 to the
present, he has been working as the Executive Director for Modes and Balances at "AZhC" JSC.
A.A. Abdrakhmanov participated in the commissioning of newly built and reconstructed
substations of 35 kV and above, including the SS-220 kV "Koyan Koz", "Ermensai",
"Besagash", and the SS-110 kV "Medeo Novaya", "Shymbulak", "Yuzhnaya (South)",
"Geologistroy", "KazGU Novaya", among others (more than 32 substations of "AZhC" JSC). He
took part in working groups during negotiations on the regulation of interstate electricity flows
with Russia and Central Asian countries, notably the working group on frequency regulation of
the Unified Energy System of Russia and Kazakhstan. As a result of this work, an Interstate
Agreement on Frequency and Power Regulation was adopted in 2012, which enhanced the
energy security of Kazakhstan.
He is the chairman of the state examination committee of the Almaty University of Power
Engineering and Telecommunications. He is an active participant and member of the scientific
and technical council of the "KAZENERGY" Association. He has been awarded industry
honours: the honourary titles "Honoured Power Engineer of KEPA" in 2009, "Honoured Power
Engineer of the CIS" in 2011, "Best Engineer of the Year" in 2017, the jubilee medal "25 Years
of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan" in 2016, and a Certificate of Honour from the
Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2007.
He was included by the order of the Chairman of the Board of "Alatau Zharyk Company"
JSC №1806 l/s dated October 15, 2018.
Gabiden Yusupov
Gabiden Yusupov was born on February 10, 1956, in the Almaty region. He has two
higher education degrees, graduated from the Almaty University of Power Engineering and
Telecommunications with a specialization in "Electrical Supply of Industrial Enterprises" and the
Almaty Institute of Political Science and Management with a specialization in "Political Scientist
and Teacher of Socio-Political Disciplines in Higher and Secondary Educational Institutions."
With more than 45 years of experience in the energy sector, Gabiden Yusupov has held
positions as an electrician, dispatcher at the Balkhash DEN of the APC ARENC (1973-1979),
head of the Zhambyl DEN (1998-2000), Deputy Managing Director for Distribution Networks of
the “APC ARENC” JSC (2000-2003), Chief Engineer of the “APC ARENC” JSC (2003-2007),
Technical Director of "Almatyelectrosetstroy" JSC (2007-2008), Managing Director for
Technical Issues at "Balkhash Thermal Power Plant" JSC (2008-2010), and Deputy Chairman of
the Board of "Zhetysu" National Company Social Entrepreneurial Corporation (2010-2011).
Since 2011, he has been the Chief Engineer of the Electric Networks Administration of the
region at "Alatau Zharyk Company" JSC.
Throughout his career, he has proven himself to be a responsible, competent, and
proactive leader, ready to meet modern requirements and highly professional in his duties.
He has made a significant contribution to the development and implementation of
renewable energy sources in the Shelek region of the Almaty area, as well as to the drafting and
enactment of a renewable energy agreement between the "TBEA" company of China, "Zhetysu"
National Company Social Entrepreneurial Corporation, and "Samruk-Energy" JSC. Currently,
under his leadership, work is being carried out to replace outdated equipment with modern
equipment at the SS-110/35/10 kV power lines of the Almaty region.
He has been awarded industry honours: the badge of the "Honourary Power Engineer of
KEPA" in 2013, Certificate of Honour from the Akim of the Almaty region in 2014, Certificate
of Honour from "Alatau Zharyk Company" JSC in 2017, the "Distinguished Power Engineer of
the CIS" badge in 2017, and the "For Merits in the Field of Power Engineering" medal from the
Ministry of Energy in 2017.
He was included by the order of the Chairman of the Board of "Alatau Zharyk Company"
JSC №1806 l/s dated October 15, 2018.
Gani Galiollauli Salimzhuarov
Gani Galiollauli Salimzhuarov was born on March 20, 1954, in the North Kazakhstan. He
graduated from the Pavlodar Industrial Institute in 1982, majoring in "Electrical Networks and
Over his 45-year career in the energy sector, Gani Galiollauli Salimzhuarov has held
positions ranging from electrician to Chief Engineer of the national power grid
"Kazakhstanenergo", Director of branches and departments at "KEGOC" JSC, Deputy Chairman
of the Board at "KEGOC" JSC, First Deputy Chairman of the Board at "AZhC" JSC, Chairman
of the Board at "Ekibastuz Power Station SDPS-2" JSC, Managing Director for production at
"Samruk-Energy" JSC.
Gani Galiollauli made a significant contribution to the development of electricity supply
for industrial facilities and residential construction in Almaty city and the Almaty region. He
participated in the reconstruction and modernization of worn-out electrical network equipment in
the Almaty region, completed the construction of four substations for the power supply of the
2011 Asian Winter Games facilities, and ensured reliable electricity supply to the consumers in
Almaty. Under his leadership and direct participation, the creation of the 220 kV overhead
transmission line ring around Almaty was completed. Since 2013, he has been the Chairman of
the Board of Directors at "Alatau Zharyk Company" JSC.
For his honest work in the development of the electric power industry of the Republic of
Kazakhstan, he was awarded the "Qurmet" Order, the "Shock Worker of Communist Labor"
badge, and anniversary medals of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
He was included in the order by the Chairman of the Board of "Alatau Zharyk Company"
JSC №429-e dated December 12, 2017.
Anatoly Vasilievich Glushkov
Anatoly Vasilievich Glushkov was born on March 17, 1949, in Karaganda. He graduated
from the Pavlodar Industrial Institute in 1976, majoring in "Electric Power Plants".
He began his career in 1965 as an electrician at the Karaganda SDPS-2 power plant.
From 1988 to 1996, he worked as the deputy chief engineer of "Almatyenergo" DEN. From 1996
to 2007, he served as the head of the operation and reliability service at "APC" CJSC in Almaty.
From 2007 to 2015, he was the head of the Department for Reliability Control and Labor
Protection at "Alatau Zharyk Company" JSC. He made a significant contribution to the
establishment and development of the electrical networks in Almaty city and the Almaty region,
the prevention of industrial injuries and the improvement of occupational safety and health.
Having worked in the energy sector for over 50 years, Anatoly Vasilievich has
established himself as a highly qualified specialist, passing on his experience to the younger
generation and training dozens of qualified professionals.
Awards: The Honourary Certificate of Almatyenergo, the Honourary Certificate of the
Akimat of Almaty, and a Letter of Gratitude from "Samruk-Energy" JSC. He was included in the
Golden Book of Honour of Karaganda SDPS-2 and holds the honourary title of Distinguished
Power Engineer of the CIS.
He was included in the order by the Chairman of the Board of "Alatau Zharyk Company"
JSC №429-e dated December 12, 2017.
Kambar Amirovich Sarsenov
Kambar Amirovich Sarsenov was born in 1924 in the village of Kuntimes in the Sarykol
district of the Kostanay region. In August 1942, at the age of seventeen, he was conscripted by
the Mendykarinsky District Military Commissariat into the Red Army as a cadet of the sniper
school of the 3rd separate training brigade of the Ural Military District. In June 1943, he was
already on the front lines as part of the 119th Rifle Regiment of the 4th Shock Army of the
Kalinin, then the 1st Baltic and 3rd Belorussian Fronts. He participated in the liberation of the
Kalinin and Pskov regions. From 1944, he served in the 30th separate reconnaissance company
of the 51st Red Banner, Order of Suvorov, Vitebsk Rifle Division. He liberated Belarus, Latvia,
Lithuania, Poland, and Königsberg city. He was severely wounded.
In the final months of the war, our hero- intelligence officer was wounded twice more,
met Victory Day in Königsberg, and was sent to Poland. Only then, thrice wounded, he was
demobilized. However, not for long: in 1947, after working as the second secretary in the district
Komsomol committee, Kambar Amirovich was enrolled as a cadet in the three-year officer
school of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs in Almaty.
He became a colonel, and Deputy Head of the state security service of the Ministry of
Internal Affairs of Kazakhstan, having progressed from junior lieutenant through all hierarchical
steps of the service, ending as the head of the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of
the Kazakh SSR. For his selfless service to the Fatherland land and exemplary performance of
duty, Colonel Sarsenov K.A. was awarded many government awards, a cavalier of the gold
badge "Excellence in the Militia of the USSR". These awards now rightfully stand alongside two
orders of the Great Patriotic War of the 1st and 2nd degree, orders "Glory" II and III degree, the
Order of the Red Star, and the heroic medal "For Military Merit", the medal "For the Capture of
Königsberg". Those honours, better than any characteristics and recommendations, testify that
this person has lived his life worthily.
After retiring, Kambar Sarsenov worked at "Alatau Zharyk Company" JSC as the head of
the Civil Defense and Emergency Situations Service for 17 years. In the difficult years of
transition to new market relations, he honourably and conscientiously performed his daily work
duties in this position until 1997. Over the years of work at "Alatau Zharyk Company" JSC, he
was repeatedly awarded by the management of the Company for exemplary and conscientious
work. Work at "AZhC" JSC took a worthy place in his autobiography. Now Kambar Amirovich
Sarsenov is 93 years old. The Company's staff knows and honours their veteran.
He was included in the order by the Chairman of the Board of "Alatau Zharyk Company"
JSC №480-k dated December 15, 2016.
Kayypbergen Muratbayevich Muratbayev
Kayypbergen Muratbayevich Muratbayev was born in 1944 in the village of Merki in the
Kegen district of the Almaty region. After finishing school in 1961, he was sent to "Alma-Ata
Selenergo" at the Aktogay HPP, where he began his career as an electrician. In 1981, he
graduated from the Kazakh Agricultural Institute.
Since 1965, he has been working at "Alatau Zharyk Company" JSC. Starting his career as
an electrician, he went through many stages of becoming a professional electrician: he worked as
a master, senior master, head of the network site, head of the district of electric networks in
Balkhash. Currently, he is the chief engineer of the Karasay District Electric Networks
Management of the Almaty District of Electric Networks at JSC "Alatau Zharyk Company".
In 1971, he was transferred as the head of the Production and Technical Service at the
Eastern District of Electric Networks. In 1974, by the management of the Almaty Electric
Networks Enterprise, he was transferred to the head of the Balkhash DEN. He developed SS-
110/35/10kV networks in this district to Lake Balkhash. In 1988, he was transferred as a master
of the Kamensky site at the Karasay District Electric Networks. In 1988, he was an engineer of
TSR and TOR. In 2001, he became the leader of the TSR and TRR group. Since 2007, he has
been transferred as the chief engineer of the Karasay DEN of the Electric Networks Management
of "AZhC" JSC.
From 2009 to 2016, he participated in the Republican professional competitions of
operational repair personnel for the operation of distribution electric networks. He annually leads
the team in these competitions, which occupy prize-winning places from year to year, thereby
raising the prestige of the Company. In 2016, the team under his leadership won the Grand Prix.
He constantly pays attention to the work on reducing losses in electric networks and
substations and developing the reconstruction of OL-10/0.4 and TSS-10/0.4kV, with annual
capital and current repairs being replenished by 100%. Over the past 10 years, there have been
no violations of safety techniques and technical operation of electrical installations by the staff of
the Karasay DEN of the Electric Networks Management of "Alatau Zharyk Company" JSC.
He was included in the order by the Chairman of the Board of "Alatau Zharyk Company"
JSC №480-k dated December 15, 2016.
Beibit Makashevich Akkuliev
Beibit Makashevich Akkuliev was born in the city of Zhambyl. He graduated from the
Almaty Institute of Energy and Communications majoring in "Electrical Systems and Networks".
Over more than 40 years of work in the energy sector of the Republic and the USSR, he held
positions such as engineer and senior engineer of distribution networks; head of the service of
power lines of the Zhambyl Distribution Network Enterprise (ZDNE) in 1979; postgraduate
student at the Leningrad Agricultural Institute, senior engineer; junior research fellow at the
ELECTROMASH Research Institute in Leningrad, master, deputy head of the central repair
shop of the Almaty Electric Networks Enterprise (AENE), head of the substation service of
AENE from 1988 to 1996. Since 1996 - lecturer at Almaty Institute of Energy and
Communications, chairman of the AENE trade union committee, chairman of the "Energy" trade
union, chairman of the public association "Local Trade Union 'Seriktes'".
He was repeatedly awarded Honourary Diplomas for both scientific and production
activities. He has awards: Order "Kazakhstan Danky" and the anniversary medal "10 Years of
Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan".
During his time at the All-Union Research Institute of Electrical Engineering
(Leningrad), he was the responsible developer of a new series of DC electric motors for the
machine tool industry of the USSR. Then he continued his production activities at the Almaty
Electric Networks Enterprise as a Deputy Head of Departments and then as a Head of
Department. "It is necessary to constantly improve the professional skills of both workers and
engineering and technical staff of electric networks" (Akkuliev B.M.).
He was included in the order by the Chairman of the Board of "Alatau Zharyk Company"
JSC №2161 l/s dated October 7, 2019.
Madiyar Eralievich Kubegenov
Madiyar Eralievich Kubegenov was born in South Kazakhstan. He graduated with
honours from the Kazakh Agricultural Institute majoring in "Electrification of Agricultural
Production Processes" in 1978.
Over more than 40 years of work, he has held several leading positions in the energy
sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In recent years, he has worked as the director of the production and technical department,
deputy managing director for operation and repair at "APC" JSC, and managing director for
modes and balances. From 2014 to 2019, he was the head of the Almaty City Distribution
Networks Department and head of the Almaty Region Electric Networks Department at "Alatau
Zharyk Company" JSC.
For his conscientious work in the development of the electric power industry of the
Republic of Kazakhstan, he was awarded: a Letter of Gratitude from the Nazarbayev N.A. -
President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a Letter of Gratitude from the Akimat of Almaty, an
Honourary Certificate of the "Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources", and the badge
"Distinguished Power Engineer of the CIS".
He was included in the order by the Chairman of the Board of "Alatau Zharyk Company"
JSC №2161 l/s dated October 7, 2019.
Mukhit Abikeevich Umbetov
Mukhit Abikeevich Umbetov was born on January 1, 1960, in the village of Ak-Kainar in
the Zhambyl district of the Almaty region. He graduated from the Almaty Institute of Energy in
1988, majoring in "Electric Power Supply of Industrial Enterprises and Cities", with the
qualification of "Electrical Engineer". He has a total professional experience of 32 years. He has
had a commendable career path, starting as an electrician and rising to the Chairman of the
Board of a major energy company. He has invested significant efforts in developing the
industrial, technological, and regulatory base of the company. He conducted numerous activities
for introducing new capacities to improve the electrical network and distribution networks of
Almaty city and the Almaty region.
Under his leadership, as Chairman of the Board of "AZhC" JSC, more than 30
substations were built and reconstructed. The creation of a 220 kV power transmission line ring
around Almaty has been completed. The construction of the "Besagash" substation and the
"Besagash-Ermensay-ATPP-3" substation has been completed. To ensure an increase in
transformer capacity of 30 MVA, construction of the 110/10/6 kV substation No. 14 “Turksib”
has been started. Modernization and expansion of electrical networks in Almaty city and the
Almaty region have been carried out.
In the Society, an integrated management system has been implemented and operates
according to the standards ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004, OHSAS 18001:2007, and ISO
50001:2011, which allowed the company to improve quality, work safety, and environmental
standards at production sites, systematize enterprise management, enhance its image, and attract
more local and foreign investors.
He has been awarded the "Parasat" Order, "Qurmet" Order, " Eñbegı üşın " Medal, " Eren eñbegı
üşın " Medal, "Qurmet Belgisi" Medal, " Qazaq tılınıñ janaşyry " Medal, Anniversary Medal "20
Years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan", Medal "25 Years of Kazakhstan
Maslikhats", Anniversary Medal "25 Years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan",
Medal "25 Years of the Constitution of Kazakhstan", "Distinguished Power Engineer" badge of
the CIS, "Distinguished Power Engineer" badge of KEPA, "100 Years of SPER" badge, the title
"Honourary Citizen of Zhambyl District", the title "Honourary Citizen of Karasai District", the
title "Honourable Deputy of Kazakhstan Maslikhats", Honorary Certificate of the Ministry of
Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Letter of Gratitude from the Akim of Almaty.
He was included in the order by the Chairman of the Board of "Alatau Zharyk Company"
JSC №2828 l/s dated December 14, 2021.
Gennady Grigorievich Zimaskov
Gennady Grigorievich Zimaskov was born on May 2, 1942, in East Kazakhstan.
Graduated from the Kazakh Agricultural Institute with a degree in "Electrification and
Automation of Agricultural Production" and qualified as an "Electrical Engineer". He began his
career in 1961 as a 4th-category electrician. After graduating from the institute, he worked for 11
years in a commissioning organization. Since 1996, he has been working at "AZhC" JSC as the
Head of the emergency automation section of the complex protection department of the regional
relay protection and automation service of the Relay Protection and Automation Department.
During his work at "AZhC" JSC, he played a direct role in implementing reconstruction
projects at the 220/110/10kV substations №7A "Alma-Ata Cotton Mill " and №154A "Qoyan
Koz", including the modernization of the main protections of the 220kV overhead lines №2173,
№2183, and comprehensive replacement of the directional high-frequency protection with
blocking of the 220kV overhead lines №2143 and №2153 at SS-№160A "Ermensai" and SS-
№68I "Shelek", where EA, AOSS were implemented with command transmission from SS
"Alma". He supervised the working process during the commissioning of the large nodal
substation 220/110/10kV "Zhandos". Guided commissioning and installation works of 220 kV
electronic protections at substations such as SS №147A "Taugul", "Almaty-500 kV", SS №143A
"ROBOT". Over the years of his work, he has prevented the occurrence of many major accidents
and ensured the uninterrupted operation of emergency automation. Thanks to his vast experience
and skills, measures are being developed for the construction, reconstruction and modernization
of substations in the Almaty city and the Almaty region. Throughout his career, he has been
awarded the "Veteran Power Engineer of KEPA" badge and the "100 Years of SPER" badge.
He was included in the order by the Chairman of the Board of "Alatau Zharyk Company"
JSC №2828 l/s dated December 14, 2021.
Kaliy Duysenovich Sakharhanov
Kaliy Duysenovich Sakharhanov was born on January 25, 1955, in East Kazakhstan. He
graduated from the Almaty Energy Institute in 1979 with a degree in "Electric Power Systems
and Networks" and qualified as an "Electrical Engineer". K.D. Sakharhanov began his career in
the energy system as an engineer in the service of relay protection, electro-automatics, and
electrical measurements. Then, he held leading positions: deputy chief engineer, executive
director for networks of 35kV and higher, and deputy Chairman of the Board for development
and capital construction at "AZhC" JSC. Throughout his career, he has proven to be a highly
professional, technically competent specialist and a demanding leader.
He was involved in the installation, commissioning of relay protection and automation
devices, testing of electrical equipment at thermal and hydroelectric power stations, at SS
1150kV, 500kV, 220kV, as well as issues of reliability of the energy systems of the Republic of
Kazakhstan. He participated in the commissioning of newly constructed and reconstructed
substations of 35kV and higher, SS-220kV "Qoyan Koz ", "Ermensai", "Besagash", SS 110 kV
"Medeo Novaya", "Shymbulak", "Yuzhnaya", "Geologostroy", "KazGU Novaya", and also
contributed to the operation of more than 32 substations at "AZhC" JSC. He developed technical
specifications for both new construction and reconstruction, modernization of electrical networks
of "AZhC" JSC, and prepared plans for the prospective development of electrical networks.
Throughout his career, he was awarded the honourary title of Distinguished Power
Engineer of KEPA, the Distinguished Power Engineer badge of the CIS, the "Veteran Power
Engineer of KEPA" badge, and the "Enbek Ardageri" medal of the Ministry of Energy of the
Republic of Kazakhstan.
He was included in the order by the Chairman of the Board of "Alatau Zharyk Company"
JSC №2828 l/s dated December 14, 2021.
Leila Auganbaevna Bainazarova
Leila Auganbaevna Bainazarova was born on March 22, 1954, in the Almaty region. In
1977, she graduated from the Alma-Ata Energy Institute, majoring in Economics and
Organization of Power Engineering, and qualified as an Engineer-Economist. Bainazarova L.A.
began her career in the energy system as an engineer in the planning and economic department.
Then she worked as an economist, a leading economist in the Labor and Wages Sector of the
Economics Department. Later, she held leadership positions: Head of the Labor and Wages
Department, Head of the Staff Department, and Director of the Human Resources Management
Department at "AZhC" JSC. Throughout her career, she has proven to be a highly professional,
competent specialist, and demanding leader.
Bainazarova L.A. made a significant contribution to forming the Development Plan for
budget items such as the labour fund, material assistance and social payments, employee
insurance, staff training and development, as well as in planning and execution for rates estimate
items. She conducted extensive work on improving labour organization, production
management, forms and systems of wages, and material and moral incentives for the company's
employees. She participated in the development and defence of a regulatory document on
calculating the standard number of employees.
Throughout her career, she has been awarded the title "Ardager-Energetik" of the
Kazakhstan Electric Power Association and "Honoured Power Engineer of the KEPA" " letters
of Gratitude from the Akim of Almaty city and the Almaty region, and the "100 Years of SPER
Plan" medal.
She was included in the order by the Chairman of the Board of "Alatau Zharyk
Company" JSC №2475 l/s dated December 14, 2022.
Erlan Tleubaevich Toishubekov
Erlan Tleubaevich Toishubekov was born on August 20, 1952, in East Kazakhstan. In
1985, he graduated from the Ust-Kamenogorsk Energy College, majoring in Installation of
automatic control systems, and qualified as an Electrical Mechanical Technician.
He began his career in 1979 as a high-frequency communication electrician at SDTU
APES "AltaiEnergo". Work experience in the energy sector for 39 years. Over the years, he
progressed from an electrician to the Deputy Head of the Department for Operation of
Communication Systems of the Telecommunications Department.
Toishubekov E.T. actively participated in ensuring and improving HF communication
and introducing new technologies. He made a significant contribution to the company's
digitalization, participated in the construction of optical networks, and radio relay
communication lines, and applied his extensive experience in telecommunications, was involved
in connecting the network and communications to remote facilities. He enjoyed deserved
authority and respect among colleagues.
Throughout his career, he was awarded the "Honoured Power Engineer of KEPA" badge
and the "25 Years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan" anniversary medal.
He was included in the order by the Chairman of the Board of "Alatau Zharyk Company"
JSC №2475 l/s dated December 14, 2022.
Boris Borisovich Babentsov
Boris Borisovich Babentsov was born on November 8, 1960, in Alma-Ata. In 1983, he
graduated from Almaty Energy University, majoring in "Energy Systems and Networks," and
qualified as an "Electrical Engineer."
He began his career after serving in the Soviet Army. In 1985, after his military service,
he was hired at the Pokrovskoye CID as an electrician of the 4th category, master of construction
site №1. In 1987, he transferred to "AZhC" JSC (formerly "Alma-Ataenergo" PAEE, "APC"
JSC). From that time until now, he has been working in the energy field for over 36 years in one
company, holding various positions. He has held leadership positions such as Head of Reliability
and Safety Service at PAEE "Alma-Ataenergo," and Head of the Operational Dispatch
Management at "AZhC" JSC.
Boris Borisovich actively participated in commissioning substations and 110/220 kV
overhead lines built in connection with the preparation and hosting of the seven Asian Games in
Almaty in 2011, the Winter Universiade 2017, in the commissioning of the 220 kV ring in
Almaty, 24 renewable energy stations connected to the networks of "AZhC" JSC. He played an
active role in the development of integration processes with Central Asian countries, including
the construction of power network facilities connecting the Almaty power system with the
Kyrgyz energy union and creating reliable schemes for parallel operation with the unified power
system of Central Asia.
He actively participates in the public activities of "AZhC" JSC in terms of cultural, mass,
and sports events. He educates the youth in the spirit of patriotism. His numerous trainees
occupy leadership positions in the structural subdivisions of the Almaty energy system.
With his direct participation, the reconstruction and modernization of worn-out electrical
equipment of electric networks in Almaty and the Almaty region are carried out. Having worked
in the energy sector for over thirty-eight years, he has established himself as a highly qualified
specialist who has passed on and continues to pass on experience to the younger generation,
training-worthy professionals.
His awards: Honourary Diploma of APC (2000/2002); Honourary Diploma of the
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2006); "Honoured
Power Engineer KEPA" badge (2010); Honourary Diploma of the Electric Power System of the
CIS (2013); "Distinguished Power Engineer of the CIS" badge (2013); 10th-anniversary medal
of Samruk Energy (2017); "100 Years of SPER Plan" medal (2020).
He was included in the order by the Chairman of the Board of "Alatau Zharyk Company"
JSC №3342 l/s dated December 19, 2023.
Nagashybai Razakbaevich Kalykov
Nagashybai Razakbaevich Kalykov was born on March 20, 1960, in the village of Kastek
in the Zhambyl district of the Almaty region. In 1988, he graduated from the Kazakh Order of
the Red Banner of Labor Agricultural Institute, majoring in "Electrification of agriculture." He
began his professional career in 1988 as a site master at the "Agropromenergo" enterprise in the
Zhambyl district of the Almaty region. From 1989 to 2000, he worked as the chief power
engineer and managing director of the “Amangeldy” state farm in the Almaty region. From 2000
to 2011, he worked in various positions at the regional operational unit of the Ministry of
Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan, "Elitstroy" LLP. From 2011 to 2023, he worked as a
leading specialist in the Department of Technical Conditions, Head of the Labor Protection
Department of the Department of Reliability Control and Labor Protection at "Alatau Zharyk
Company" JSC.
During his work in the Department of Reliability Control and Labor Protection, Kalykov
N.R. proved himself as a leader capable of making operational decisions in production matters
and effectively organizing the work of the labor protection department. With the active
participation of Kalykov N.R., an effective three-tier control system for labor protection and
safety techniques was established. He made significant work to improve fire safety, update the
system of qualification checks, transform Safety Techniques Day into Labor Protection Day, and
other significant measures to improve working conditions and prevent industrial injuries.
Throughout his work at "AZhC" JSC, he was awarded commendation certificates and the
title of "Honoured Power Engineer" from the Kazakhstan Electric Power Association.
He was included in the order by the Chairman of the Board of "Alatau Zharyk Company"
JSC №3342 l/s dated December 19, 2023.
Bolatkhan Kaipzhanovich Turtbaev
Bolatkhan Kaipzhanovich Turtbaev was born on October 23, 1962, in the Almaty region.
In 1985, he graduated from Almaty Energy University, majoring in "Energy Systems and
Networks," and qualified as an "Electrical Engineer." His professional career at "AZhC" JSC
(formerly "APRES", "APС" JSC) began as an electrician of the operational field team. He then
held leadership positions such as Deputy Chief Engineer of APC UEDN, Head of the
Department of Technical Conditions, and Head of the Diagnostics Department at "AZhC" JSC.
Bolatkhan Kaipzhanovich is a co-author of the invention №103703 (Device for
protecting electrical equipment from overvoltages in power grids) of the Ministry of Justice of
the Republic of Kazakhstan, dated March 3, 2017.
He took an active part in the acceptance of new substations and 110/220 kV overhead
lines built in connection with the preparation and hosting of the 7th Winter Asian Games 2011,
the 2017 Winter Universiade, and in the commissioning of the 220 kV ring in Almaty.
Throughout his career in the Company, he collaborated with the Almaty University of
Power Engineering and Telecommunications, conducting scientific research with university staff
on reducing accidents, protecting against single-phase-to-ground short circuit in 6/10 kV
distribution networks connected to the busbars of сlosed switchgear -10 kV: SS-47A
"Prigorodny," SS-165A "Karasu," SS-63A "Samal," SS-147 "Taugul."
In 2020-2021, as a part of mentoring assistance, he served as the Chairman of the
Examination Commission of the Almaty Energy College. Besides his main activities in the field
of energy, Bolatkhan Kaipzhanovich made a significant contribution to the development of
cultural events at "AZhC" JSC. This includes the role of the chief judge in the "AZhC" JSC
judging panel of the annual Sports Contest among employees of the group of companies of
"Samruk-Kazyna" JSC. As a judge, he participated in the X International Professional Skill
Competitions of the electrical power industry staff of the CIS member states - international
competitions of teams for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment at substations in
Brest city.
Having worked in the energy sector for more than forty-two years, he has established
himself as a highly qualified specialist who has passed on his experience to the younger
generation, training-worthy professionals. He was awarded: the Honourary Diploma of the Akim
of Almaty City (2011); Honourary Diploma of the Electric Power System of the CIS (2013);
"Honored Power Engineer. KEPA" badge (2013); "Distinguished Power Engineer. KEPA" badge
He was included in the order by the Chairman of the Board of "Alatau Zharyk Company"
JSC №3342 l/s dated December 19, 2023.